Dienstag, 2. August 2016

back from Cali!

After 2, 5 weeks of fun in the sun I'm back in good old rainy Germany!

The trip was awesome and we've seen so much great stuff - but of course, I was also hunting for some parts!

During our stay in LA I managed to visit 3 aircooled VW dealers:

I didn't really needed anything, but I bought some stuff for the Fasty and the Streaker anyways:
Also, some new tools from harbor freight were stuffed into the suitcase on the way home!
Some t-shirts are mandatory as well...

Now I'm counting down to Saturday for the annual Spa -trip! See you there!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Butifull,

    Eim freu mich tuu for Spa.

    Sii you at Saturday.


    dein Änglischlehrer

  2. Ersatz kann man nie genug haben....
    Schöne Sachen dabei

    Gruß Ralli
