Sonntag, 25. August 2013

new exhaust tip mounted!

Today I mounted the chrome exhaust tip from ISW West. Without this extention, the overrider always  had blue and black marks from the exhaust -  I hope this solved now!

this is what the overrider looked like before: 

with the new chrome tip:

It should look as good as this from now on!

Donnerstag, 22. August 2013

Back from the US...

after more than 2 weeks in the US I am back in good old Germany! On my trip I visited Alex @ ISP West to purchase some stuff for my ACVW's:
a tool for the oil filler nut, a Fastback t-shirt, a new front window seal (with moulded corners) a set of air cleaners (maybe for future projects) and the most important one: An exhaust tip extension to prevent my overrider from blueing and exhaust waste!

nice chrome surface and an extra hole for water drainage:

 this will prevent the chrome tip to rust from the inside out!

More pics from the trip and the installed exhaust tip will follow soon!