Dienstag, 25. September 2012

... more good stuff for the next evolution step...

During my visit to the Bitburg's DAS Dragday I couldn't resist to grab a set of "Cup-Streben" - adjustable reinforcement bars for my SA / IRS hybrid  subframe!

(the upper bar doesn't look straight, but it definitely is!)
Together with the new, welded crossmember instead of the old stamped VW part, the rear axle will be very solid and will work very well!
If you want to learn more about building an IRS (independent rear suspension) / SA (swing axle)  hybrid subframe, here is a thread on "TheSamba.com" about this topic: IRS / SA hybrid subframe
or here: Brent's Subframe .The basic idea is to have the frame horns (just like on any beetle) to mount the gearbox + the brackets for the IRS arms for better handling!
Next step is to set up my own jigs to align everything perfect!

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