Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012

fuel sender adaption

As I only had a fuel sender from any other VW model - which did not work correct, I had to "fine tune" this one to get it to work properly:
First step: analyze the original (broken) sensor : 
 upper fuel level of original sender

 lower fuel level of original sender

 new sender: impossible upper level position -> electrical resistor indicating "full"

new sender -> resistor reading "empty" - but impossible lower level position - much lower then lowest possible position in the tank

 direct comparison: upper float level on old vs. new sender

 direct comparison: lower level on old vs. new sender

 check of floating behavior of old sender

  check of floating behavior of new sender

 The only solution: modify the lever arm to
-meet the full and empty resistor positions
- meet the full and empty float levers as well!
 after some "fine calibration": same lower float level of old and new sender unit

 Also: same upper float level of old and new sender unit

strange looks - but works fine throughout the whole range from "full" to "empty"

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